Screen Print Editioning

Hippo Screenprinters specialise in printing hand-pulled screenprint editions for artists, galleries and publishing companies.

Below we highlight some examples of the kind of things we do.

‘HOPE’ by Dave Towers

Screenprint edition printed in 21 separate colour layers. The challenge with these was to scan Dave’s original piece, created using extra wide marker pens, and break it down into separations for screen printing in a way which would recreate the look of the pens on the paper.


Screenprinted with a ‘split fountain’ or rainbow, multi-coloured background area. The rainbow is achieved with one pass of the squeegee by putting all the colours of the rainbow onto the screen and allowing them to blend during the printing of the edition. Every print created is slightly different from the others in the edition.

‘STILL ROLLING’ by SweetToof

This is an edition of 5 colour screenprints, embellished with a background layer of glitter, applied by hand on each print. Created from original sketches by the artist.

Large scale screenprint on canvas, printed in 2 colours and finished with 23ct gold leaf. The image shows the gold leaf applied onto a screenprinted layer of adhesive. When dry the loose gold leaf is brushed away leaving just the areas which are adhered to the image.

The same technique can be used to apply other metal leaf such as silver, aluminium, imitation gold leaf etc.

Single colour screenprint onto the artists hand spray-painted backgrounds.

Artist and musician Rat Boy asked us to screenprint his hand drawn image over an edition of spray painted backgrounds he created for inserts in his vinyl record release. He came over to our studio to sign them all when we finished the edition.

Multi-layered screenprint onto black paper for Norwegian artist Jan Tore Kristoffersen.

This image was created by printing the layers from dark to light on the black paper.